This blog is developed as a partial fulfilment for the Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Skill (BPME 2013) course. It contains articles and comments on three entrepreneurs namely Kuok Hock Nien, Tan Sri Dato' Sri Dr. Tony Fernandes, Tan Sri Dato' Seri Dr. Jeffrey Cheah and Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong as well as other entrepreneurship related articles.

Thursday, 12 March 2015

The 4 reasons why you should become an entrepreneur

Why should you become an entrepreneur? Here are the 4 main reasons:
1. Work where you like
You can decide where you want to work. Work from home, at the beach or from any other place in the world. You are in charge of the work place, which is a nice alternative to typical offices with a chair and a desk.
2. Work when you want
You have the complete freedom. You can work with your own schedule. This does not only mean that you can make the work fit your rhythm, but you can also set priorities. Take time for your family or do other things you really like.
3. Work with whom you want
When you are an entrepreneur you can work with whom you like. You do not have to deal with people you do not like or that you simply cannot work with.
4. Work how you like
If you become an entrepreneur you can actually do whatever you want. Of course, you have to keep your own business in mind. If something goes wrong you get all the blame. Still, you get all the glory as well when you are a successful entrepreneur. Another important aspect is the job security. There is no boss that might fire you. You are your own boss!

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